Krispy Kreme- Bakery Concept
20+ years of experience developing and visualizing ideas for brand environments.
retail design,brand environments,brand architecture,interior design,architectural rendering
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Krispy Kreme- Bakery Concept

A casual and social environment for customers is anchored by strong bakery merchandising

Kripsy Kreme was looking to move beyond donuts and create a separate bakery venture. This concept was quickly developed to show potential opportunities in merchandising and hospitality.


Creating a theatrical bakery presentation was the driving idea behind this Krispy Kreme Bakery concept. The offer is framed by a visually strong orange brand wall incorporating easy to read menus. Visual branding throughout the space follows the trend in dining towards an subtle representation. The Krispy Kreme logo is incorporated on surfaces in the space using a screened technique which is visible without shouting. Hand drawn bakery item illustrations inhabit the space adding an artful and hand crafted touch.


Customers entering the space see a large bakery floor case and wall display at the end of a white tiled runway. The runway visually leads customers to the bakery offer and the approach gives them time to view all the types of bakery items before making a selection.


The center placement of the runway also divides the space symmetrically for two different dining activities, the informal stoop seating area, and the more traditional casual lounge and table seating area.

The interior architecture is intentionally simple. The ceiling is left exposed and sprayed with sound insulation, mechanicals are spray painted white or left silver. Wall surfaces are covered with distressed brick and painted white. The floor runway is covered in a semi-glossy white tile while the seating area get a matte finish wood ceramic tile. Softer lighting is used with many elements being halo lit by strip LEDs.


Suspended over the lounge seating are a collection of woven and wire pendant lights which give some visual separation and offer a nod to baking racks and woven bread baskets.


The main counter is split into three functions with bakery occupying the center. Registers are located to the left giving customers an easy transition to pay. A dedicated coffee area is to the right with space provided for a pickup point following customers’ paying activities.


Technology is kept contained to an interactive display built into the end panel of the Stoop seating fixture. This location is visible and in an easy to use spot for customers while not being intrusive to guests’ dining activities.

Following ordering and purchasing, customers can select a few different places to sit based on what they desire to do. The most unique element is the Stoop Seating area which is a large, tiered platform meant for both short and long stay customers. The Stoop can be a place to drink a quick cup of coffee or have a quick snack, or a place to settle in and sip some tea while reading a book. Cushions are available to sit on and integrated into the Stoop are USB charging ports with location designators. Orienting the ports on the vertical surface aids in keeping them clean.

The main counter is split into three functions with bakery occupying the center. Registers are located to the left giving customers an easy transition to pay. A dedicated coffee area is to the right with space provided for a pickup point following customers’ paying activities.


The beverage condiment counter is integrated into the tall section of the stoop seating fixture. The placement reduces the chance of a customer bottleneck at the counter and screens the notoriously unglamourous items from view to the rest of the space. Some people love hanging around close to the kitchen so a coffee perch is located directly adjacent to the condiments area but out of the way of customer flow.